I'm often asked about the differences between WoW and FFXIV, so I decided to make a video detailing what sets each game apart from the other.
Special thank you to everyone who helped me on stream with script writing, to all the fans of both games who gave me feedback, and to the amazing youtubers who's clips I've used. They can be found in order below:
Chernobyl Brotherhood : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0j5AWE4K5A
R M : https://youtu.be/QO4Ik7mG2Jw
LuckyOctober : https://youtu.be/xcadcSlYlKM
Rumraisin : https://youtu.be/56IZQ6llXkE
Nobbel87 : https://youtu.be/9z-Et1N8bv4
JAMurida1 : https://youtu.be/XTxbiaIaYgE
Mithrie : https://youtu.be/qs6zh8PneZ4
Bajheera : https://youtu.be/FyXrisaFigw
Noclip : https://youtu.be/Xs0yQKI7Yw4
Fearless Fragger : https://youtu.be/NhXScjJJgvg
Skull Daddy : https://youtu.be/bZfVmuBx2jk
Desperius FFXIV : https://youtu.be/2Ws74eekJRQ
Gobrinz : https://youtu.be/IlQiXiZGg6k
Vress Games: https://youtu.be/CUuHzseyAPc
Meoni : https://youtu.be/pHJInCP0zqk
IKedit : https://youtu.be/mx2tXsGswB0
LIMIT Guild : https://youtu.be/19tXeHJns1E
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• Cox Omnimedia:
Founder/Executive Producer: Jesse Cox
Production Manager: Kristen Delgado
Editors: Mari Locsin
Animation: Daniel Tan
• Send your fan mail to:
Jesse Cox
PO Box 11089
Marina del Rey, CA 90295
#FinalFantasyXIV #WorldofWarcraft #WoWvsFFXIV
00:00 - Introduction
04:59 - Content
19:25 - Gameplay
23:46 - Visuals
25:42 - Music
29:12 - Community
34: 56 - A Gentlemanly Conclusion