Triggers: mic brushing, finger flutters, hand sounds, whispers, light movement, brushing, face touching, personal attention, breathing, mic scratching, repetition, anxiety help/comfort, tapping
Hi 💜 I made this video in the hopes that it would help you if you're feeling anxious or suffering from an anxiety or panic attack. These are all techniques I've learned and benefited from during my "journey" with anxiety.
Please note that I am NOT a mental health professional.
*EFT, or emotional freedom technique, is an alternative treatment for physical pain and emotional distress. Though still being researched, EFT tapping has been used to treat people with anxiety and people with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).*
Inspired heavily by Karuna Satori's amazing anxiety/depression-relief videos. Go check them out! Here's some of my faves:
Until next time. 💜
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