Price war in agriculture input supply
Create entry barriers through dealerships, O form, PC create monopoly high dealership deposits
Through Licence degree BSc Ag, BSc Biology, Social Forestry
High Target, tagging materials
Giving credit to old suppliers for 60, 90 or 120 days
Create price differences through marketing booking schemes different discounts for each person
Advance lifting schemes
Create artificial scarcity by Short supply, delay in supply
Supply code or batch numbers for different regions
Companies employ given preference to their favorite dealers
Government compulsory supply to government agencies like MARKFED cooperative societies
Control through movement plan
Control through imports volumes
Control through the release of subsidies
High MRP on popular products made out of reach to small traders
Spurious, low quality, expiry dates, fake products
Removing entry barriers through E-FASAL
Democratizing good quality products distributorship
Provide and facilitate getting all statutory permission
Brand neutral supply chain
Direct supply from manufacturers reduce cost, time, wastage
Fresh products at wholesale price
Advance Booking pools create Value for Money, create high margins with low investments
No targets no tagging
No dealership no deposits
No need to take high risk in advance booking
No big investment no high volume inventories
Cash & Carry model transaction through net banking
Supply according to crop stages pre-showing, showing, crop protection, post-harvest
Products price comparison best products & price discovery
Low volume supply with wholesale price & all advance booking discount
Doorstep delivery facility
Promotion, products training, demonstration, free samples
Advantages of branding, marketing, and working in groups with networking collective action
Come & join E-FASAL and break all entry barriers become a change agent
"खुदी को कर बुलंद इतना के हर तकदीर से पहले खुदा बन्दे से खुद पूछे के बता तेरी रज़ा क्या है" Allama Iqbal