A 90s clip of Joe Biden talking about Haiti's worth to the United States has resurfaced, and it is not good... BIDEN: "If Haiti—a God-awful thing to say—if Haiti just quietly sunk into the Caribbean or rose up 300 feet, it wouldn't matter a whole lot to our (USA's) interests." Emma Vigeland and the Majority Report crew discuss this.
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EMMA VIGELAND: So we're getting more information but still not a ton about the assassination of haitian president moise uh which happened not yesterday but i believe in the dead of night leading up to to yesterday which has sent shock waves throughout the country understandably so and it's also particularly relevant when looking at u.s empire because u.s foreign policy with haiti has been long it's been bloody it's been colored by fears of black liberation and of course u.s imperialism and economic dominance we've been interfering with with haiti throughout its country's history um and of course it's it's always about exerting u.s hegemony and global dominance uh at all costs particularly for our economic interests as i say we had a journalist jeremy scahill on a few months ago or weeks ago he dubbed joe biden the empire politician um and that's evident in this 1994 clip is that what year this is 90s clip at the very least abide in talking about haiti within the context of u.s interests i think this is relevant just given how the us is going to respond to this power vacuum in haiti and was there any united states involvement despite the the us propping up maui's for many years um and other members of the the bourgeoisie uh let's take a listen though to biden some years ago talking about haiti you all went into grenada for 40 100 70 not 500 medical students and here there are thousands of blacks being persecuted killed death squads and you're not doing anything clearly haiti is no more or less in the interest of the united states than grenada so what you have for example a leading editor of a paper in the delaware valley wrote asked their reporters to come down and talk to me and said why is biden so concerned about bosnia and not about haiti is it because blacks are involved in haiti blacks are what at stake in haiti and in bosnia they are european whites there is that notion abroad in the congress in the country it's not substantially different than when lequelencia came along and all the polls in the state of delaware in the united states of america focused or when israel is in trouble and the american jewish community and those who believe strongly in israel focus or you can list throughout our history circumstances where our our multi-ethnic community looks to things happening in a constituency that they are from represent or feel having a stake in so if haiti a god-awful thing to say if haiti just quietly sunk into the caribbean or rose up 300 feet it wouldn't matter a whole lot in terms of the world and well so that clip was circulating about haiti falling into the sea and a lot of people who are supporters of joe biden said that it was taken out of context but i'm not sure contextualizing it with how we view nations and helping them as purely an effort to exert u.s hegemony i'm not sure how much that makes a difference matt