June 27, 2021 AM - "Call This to Mind" - Lamentations chapter 3 - Rev. Sean McCann

June 27, 2021 AM - "Call This to Mind" - Lamentations chapter 3 - Rev. Sean McCann

Pastor Sean brings a message from Lamentations chapter 3. The message begins at minute 29:52.

Excerpt from Pastor Sean's introduction: "Lamentations is a book of lament. It is a book that directs our sorrows, our confusion and our pain to God. One author has said 'everybody cries, but only a Christian laments'. A lament is a cry directed towards God. This is a book of 5 poems - 5 different cries - directed towards God. Chapter 3 is the darkest of the 5 chapters. It's right in the middle, it's the low point. We're going to read the first 24 verses of chapter 3... we will see how God goes with us into the depths, but there in the darkest of places there is still hope."


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