Pokemon Sword Part 3 - I will set Hop on fire. Also fire badge.

Pokemon Sword Part 3 -  I will set Hop on fire. Also fire badge.

Catch em catch em gotta catch em all Pokemon!

Interested in more of what I do? Hop over and find me on twitter at https://twitter.com/KasasagiUsagi

And a big thank you to everyone's work who has made this vtubing possible!
Vtuber art: https://www.deviantart.com/akihhika
Rigging: https://twitter.com/VNguynThinn1
Icon: https://twitter.com/SALiNA__99
Schedule art: https://twitter.com/esqurell -- Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/kasa_usagi

ENVTuberLet's PlayPokemon

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