Many people find the words determine and determined tricky to pronounce. In this short lesson, I'll show you how to pronounce both words correctly, and we'll also look at the words used in context. So give yourself a short break and check your professional pronunciation skills.
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determine /dɪˈtəːmɪn/
1. to find out the facts about something or to calculate something exactly
We need more time to determine the budget for the project.
The investigators are trying to determine the cause of the fire.
2. if something determines something else, it directly influences or decides it
The demand for a product determines its price.
determined /dɪˈtəːmɪnd/
1. having a strong feeling about something you want to do and not letting anyone or anything to stop you
He is determined to reach his monthly targets.
We are determined to find an investor for our new business.
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