thank you brave india for buying iran oil

thank you brave india for buying iran oil

Finally, two developing countries are standing up to Uncle Sam over the issue of sanctions against Iran -- India and South Africa -- India in addition to having historic trading and cultural links with Iran, imports about 12% of its oil needs from that country -- India used to pay Iran in dollars through a Turkish bank -- which ended after the Americans, Canadians and the Europeans slapped economic sanctions against Iran based on unproved allegations that Iran's nuclear energy program is simply to produce bombs -- ludicrous when even America's national intelligence chief James Clapper, standing beside the CIA chief, told a senate intelligence committee last week that they do not believe Iran has decided to build nukes -- As the west began boycotting Iranian oil, India, which needs oil to keep up its growth rate, ignored American and European pressures and struck a deal with Iran to continue buying Iranian oil -- Iran will accept rupees, hold these in Indian banks and use them to buy Indian agricultural products and machinery -- pressure on India has already begun from Washington -- and on South Africa -- whose African National Congress still remembers how Ayatollah Khomeini funded the group's liberation struggle to overthrow the white apartheid regime to fulfill a Koranic injunction to help the oppressed of the world -- New Delhi should not give in to pressure and remember that the west needs India to buy its products, provide cheap services and to keep China from gaining world economic domination -- besides, in the words of its first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, regional cooperation is key to defeating neo colonialism and India and Iran share very close historical links -- think about it, I'm Zuhair Kashmeri.

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