Jerame Nelson operates under the same Heavenly portal that Jesus walked under.
▶▶Portals of Revelation & Living Under an Open Heaven [Book & CDs]: https://bit.ly/3ru2GZ0
▶▶Portals of Revelation & Living Under an Open Heaven [Digital]: https://bit.ly/3wZuUfp
This season of power is just beginning!
Jerame Nelson says you can operate in the God-kind of daily spiritual life. And in the emerging season he has encountered, the miraculous is really not an option!
As it happened for Jerame, God began with three keys:
• The key of David (authority)
• The key of revelation knowledge (to release power)
• The key of love (to release God’s Presence)
Jerame says it is this last key that has the power to launch a revolution. His new book, Portals of Revelation, walks you through the essentials of the “now” move of God that is far from over!
Angelic visitations and revelatory visions have been an ongoing part of Jerame’s life. He says you can position yourself to experience them in your daily relationship with God. They come with living under an Open Heaven and also recognizing what Jerame calls the Sonship Anointing.
On Jerame’s 3-CD/audio series, Living Under an Open Heaven, you will find yourself right in step with the heart of God as He demonstrates His Kingdom today. That’s power you need in your life.
▶▶Portals of Revelation & Living Under an Open Heaven [Book & CDs]: https://bit.ly/3ru2GZ0
▶▶Portals of Revelation & Living Under an Open Heaven [Digital]: https://bit.ly/3wZuUfp
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Copyright Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! 2021
#SidRoth #JerameNelson #Heaven