6 money saving MIND HACKS that actually work

6 money saving MIND HACKS that actually work

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How to hack your mind to save more money. Saving cash is one of the things that many people struggle with when it comes to mastering finances, but one of the most essential skills to learn if you truly want to be free.

We're all fighting an uphill battle when it comes to saving money. And that's just because the system is rigged against us when it comes to big companies advertising and selling to us, in order to make THEM more money. Quite simply, we're programmed to spend.

However, you can override that programming with better habits, and mental hacks that will help you save.

I hope you love this one!

0:00 - Introduction
1:12 - How you're programmed to spend
2:46 - Attach an emotional response to saving money
5:51 - Think of prices in terms of hours worked
8:29 - Sleep on it (for 30 days)
11:49 - Make saving a habit
15:11 - Ignore income increases
16:54 - Be aware of changing narratives
19:37 - Outro

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Sorelle and Leon.
Founders, Abundantia

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#savemoney #moneyhacks #howtosave

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