We were created for God's desires. The Lord says, He is not seeing our passion for His desires.
In this message, God draws our attention to what is required of us and what should be of most importance to us in our walk with Him; His desires. This desire must be above our ownself and everything. It is that important and God wants us to understand this.
Jesus Christ is our perfect example of how we should respond to God in the process of fullfilling God's desires and how they should be viewed. Even in agonizing and painful situations, Jesus said His Father's desires is His food, meaning it sustains Him. Our love for God helps in the process of anguish and pain in fullfilling God's desires.
We are here on earth for no other reason but to fullfill God's desires. God wants us to understand this simple truth and set our hearts to accomplish it. As the teachings come, let us move in pace, make the necessary changes and grow to advance the purpose/desires of God and His kingdom here on earth.
Bible Study Verses:
John 4:34, 12:27-28, 6:38
Luke 12:50
Matthew 6:9-10
Romans 8:26-27
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