Do you know this device? Pulvis-R - Restoration

Do you know this device?  Pulvis-R - Restoration

This device was manufactured around 1930 to spray the insecticide DDT. The renovation was commissioned not for the subsequent use of this device, but as a reminder of our history when this device was used. It will then be exhibited in the museum.
Flour was used for the demonstration in the video :)

Something from history :

DDT was first synthesized in 1874 by the Austrian chemist Othmar Zeidler. However, its insecticidal effects were not discovered until the Swiss chemist Paul Hermann Müller in 1939, who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine in 1948. Since World War II, DDT has been used on a mass scale. It served as a preparation for the control of harmful insects in agriculture, but especially for the elimination of mosquitoes in tropical countries.

DDT was brought to Europe by the US military. The prisoners of the liberated concentration camps state in their memoirs the goodness of this powder, which effectively and immediately killed all insects.

Back in the 1960s and 1970s, DDT was also used in Czechoslovakia, for example against everything, and could usually be bought in a drugstore. It was made by Spolana Neratovice. It was cheap, very effective and chemically stable, it did not decompose. When it was poured on the bottom of the cabinet and covered with paper on which the laundry was, it touched the insects by touch for another half a year.

DDT is toxic. A lethal LD50 dose of 135 mg / kg in food was found in laboratory mice, 87 mg / kg in rats, and 1500 mg / kg in humans, although much lower values ​​have been published. It can also penetrate the body through the skin; The LD50 in rats in this case is 1900 mg / kg DDT is highly toxic to aquatic animals despite its low solubility in water. The LC50 lethal concentration varies according to the species of fish from 8 to 100 μg / l when exposed for 96 hours.

Small doses are enough to kill insects. For houseflies (Musca domestica), the LD50 is reported at a 24-hour exposure of approximately 0.033 nag per individual.

The effect of DDT on the hormonal system

Use of DDT in the US military during World War II to protect against malaria or typhus
In 2000, a study was published showing that the breakdown product of DDT acts as an endocrine disruptor that disrupts androgen function. In rats, it showed inhibition of hormone binding to the so-called androgen receptor. In 2005, the journal Environmental Health Perspectives reported an increase in the incidence of so-called intersex frogs due to the use of DDT. In 2006, the Journal of Andrology conducted a study to reduce sperm motility and increase the incidence of defective sperm in men depending on the level of DDT metabolites in the blood.

According to American research, exposure to DDT during puberty increases the risk of breast cancer by about five times, which is attributed to its ability to disrupt the hormonal system.
(source Wikipedia)
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