EBS 21C, One Story 66, Jonah, Should I not be concerned (Jon 1-4) [21st CBL Team]

EBS 21C, One Story 66, Jonah, Should I not be concerned (Jon 1-4) [21st CBL Team]

Of the 17 books of prophets, three of the books of prophets proclaimed the word of God to the Gentiles, the book of Obadiah proclaimed the word of God to the Edomites, the book of Jonah toward the Assyrian capital, Nineveh, and Nahum again toward Assyria. The prophet Jonah was called by God to proclaim the word of God in Nineveh, the capital of Assyria, then prophet Amos, who proclaimed the word to northern Israel as a person from South Judah, appeared, and prophet Hosea, who proclaimed the word of God until the destruction of northern Israel, began his ministry. Again, the historical background, like the other two prophets, was at the end of the reign of Jeroboam II, when northern Israel was at their peak military and economically. Military, especially economic wealth, enabled God's people to turn their backs to God and serve idols to their heart's content. Now we will look into Jonah.

#Jonah #Repent #Prophet


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