Florida Governor Gets Smacked Down For Shifting The Blame On Rising COVID Numbers

Florida Governor Gets Smacked Down For Shifting The Blame On Rising COVID Numbers

Politifact came out and said that Republican Florida governor Ron DeSantis was absolutely not telling the truth when he blamed the recent COVID surge on Joe Biden's border policies. DeSantis claimed that migrants are crossing the border and bringing COVID with them, and Biden isn't doing anything to stop them. Politifact said that this isn't the case, and there is absolutely no evidence to support anything DeSantis is saying. Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins explains what's happening.

Link - https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/aug/06/ron-desantis/ron-desantis-effort-blame-covid-19-spread-migrants/

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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

Republican Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is really smack dab in the middle of one of the largest COVID outbreaks, one of the largest COVID hospitalization rates and of course, one of the highest COVID death rates in the United States. And he's still, even after, well, especially after being called out by president Joe Biden, refuses to accept responsibility for his crappy leadership. Late last week, DeSantis came out and said, the real problem and this was, of course after Joe Biden called him and Texas governor Greg Abbott out, he said, no, no, no, Joe, the real problem is all those migrants you're letting come across the border. That's what's driving the COVID surge. PolitiFact came out and said, yeah, this is totally false. There is no evidence whatsoever to back up these claims. In fact, PolitiFact pointed out towns near the water where migrants could come in.

And of course, areas all along our Southern border actually have relatively low rates of COVID. So if this migrant surge was in fact causing COVID outbreaks, you would see it in the areas where they actually come in. However, that's not the case. So your talking point is totally completely false. But we already knew that, right? We're not idiots. I do believe the Republican base is. They're just gullible fools at this point. But for real, that's why people like DeSantis say these kinds of things. They know they're not true. But they know that after years and years and years of trashing the media, even if they get called out for lying from that same media, their base is going to think, oh, well, that's fake news. They're just attacking Republicans because they hate Republicans. So it's a win-win for people like DeSantis, you get to spread this bogus talking point. You get to shift the blame for how horrible your state is doing. And your idiot followers are going to believe it because they think all the media that's not coming from the Daily Wire or the Daily Caller or Fox news or Newsmax is totally made up.

So what do we do, right? I mean, I think that's the big question everybody has, is like, okay, you lay out the problems. So how do we fix that? We fix it by talking about it. You know, I, I've recently had a lot of people say, why do you talk about that? Why do you talk about Trump? Why are you talking about the Florida governor all the time? I'm talking about it because these are actually important things that matter to the future of the country. And in the case of the poor pitiful performance of the Florida governor, it's important for two reasons. One, because people are dying because of it. So yeah, I'm going to go ahead and say that that's newsworthy. And if we can try to save some of those people by spreading the truth, we're going to do it. The second thing is because this is the man that believes he might be the next president of the United States.

So don't you think it's important to go ahead and highlight his very many failures now so that we can go ahead and start building up a, you know, chest of oppo research on the guy. Personally I think that's a smart idea, but what do I know, right? I've only been in this business for over 17 years at this point.

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