Detroit: Become Human is an adventure game played from a third-person view, which is subject to a set and controllable perspective. There are multiple playable characters who can die as the story continues without them; as a result, there is no "game over" message following a character's death. The right analogue stick on the DualShock controller is used to interact with objects and observe one's surroundings, the left is for movement, and R2 scans an environment for possible actions; the motion controls and touchpad are also employed. Via quick time events and dialogue decisions, the story will branch out depending on which choices are made. These can be viewed in a flowchart during and immediately after a given chapter; the player can rewind to certain points in the story to reshape decisions in the event of regret. Certain scenes feature countdowns, which force quick action. Levels abound with magazines for players to read. The playable characters are:
Connor, a police investigator android tasked with hunting down androids that have deviated from their programmed behaviors. Kara, a housekeeper android who develops artificial consciousness and becomes responsible for a young girl's safety. Markus, a caretaker android who, after gaining consciousness, takes it upon himself to free others like him from bondage.
Obtaining clues by highlighting and analyzing the environment with augmented vision allows Connor to reconstruct and replay events that occurred before. The more information Connor collects within an allotted time, the greater the chance of success in deciding a course of action. Markus has the power to grant androids free will and calculate the outcomes of certain acts.