Welcome to The Music Rabbit Hole! The show where we take a brief journey down the "fans also like" feature in Spotify to discover new bands/artists.
For this episode, we start down the rabbit hole with: NEEDTOBREATHE
Spotify Audio-Only Version: https://open.spotify.com/show/2f7o0BeSUmYquORUQbOKdh?si=IgnV0btuT7OxQRJBmyfCNQ&dl_branch=1
Apple Podcast Version: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-music-rabbit-hole/id1575429281
For a full Spotify playlist of the songs on this episode go to this link: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2zIqKyGgcw6EEGyWGQ4IY7?si=NQKsxqOMQ1WUv0rMXLVNhQ&dl_branch=1
The show instagram: https://instagram.com/the_musicrabbithole?igshid=18r8gji78j8n