Welcome to Worship at Memorial United Methodist Church in Fernandina Beach, Fl.
Everything you may need to help you engage with this service can be found at mumconline.com/worshipguide
Our worship service today is led by Rev. Dr. Mark Charles, Rev, Carrie Yoder, and Dr. Joan Averett.
ATTENDANCE: Please record your presence in worship here: mumconline.com/here
GIVE: To support the missions and ministries of Memorial, visit: mumconline.com/give
NEWS: Find out more about what is going on at Memorial by visiting mumconline.com/news
PRAYER REQUESTS: And prayer requests or praises to the community feed at any time and our online pastor will address them in real time.
Have a more private prayer request? Submit it on our website at mumconline.com/prayer
PRAYER LISTS: Found in our weekly Enews, Monday Connect, or in the front office.
It’s OK to text in church! We encourage you to engage with the service and church family on our live community feed.
Come, Christians Join to Sing | arr. Mark Hayes | 2006 Lorenz Publishing
Joyful Joyful We Adore Thee | Lyrics: Henry Van Dyke | Music: Ludwig van Beethoven | Public Domain
“I Hear Your Call” | words and lyrics by Brooke Rimondi |
He's Got the Whole World |public domain
Memorial’s Licenses: OneLicense.net | # A723045
Church streaming and podcast license CSPL157198
Church copyright - CCLI1249345
United Methodist Hymnal hymns and liturgy used with permission.