What is moral courage? And why is it so important for every college student?
In this video, we talk to Norman Fulkerson. He’s a TFP member, award-winning author and public speaker. With 35 years of experience fighting for moral values in the public square, Mr. Fulkerson is more than qualified to tell us why moral courage is so important.
Mr. Norman Fulkerson's book, "An American Knight: The Life of Colonel John W. Ripley, USMC"
Topics covered in this interview:
00:00 Introduction
01:00 What is moral courage?
03:09 Handling negative peer pressure
07:40 Moral courage in a leftist classroom
11:45 Prof. Plinio Correa de Oliveira's moral courage
17:00 Being bold in your moral convictions
19:49 Col. John W. Ripley's moral courage
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#manliness #MoralCourage
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