On the beaches looking for shinies! - Pokemon Sword and Shield Shiny Hunting - #RoadTo300

On the beaches looking for shinies! - Pokemon Sword and Shield Shiny Hunting - #RoadTo300

Hey Guys NoviceNayfie here with a livestream for a shiny hunt for Shiny Galarian Slowpoke

Be kind and respectful to everyone. This is a place for good vibes and any jokes on sexuality, race, religion etc will be hidden and timed out.
Do not use caps lock or spam messages. It can make it difficult to keep up with chat.
Swearing is allowed, while I allow swearing please don't be excessive with it.
No saying ages. I know there is difference between meme ages and actual ages, but its for the safety of everyone please don't say your irl age.

Also I post updates on Discord on how my hunts are going and you get to see exclusive clips/ comments on upcoming big videos so if you want to join the community click here: https://discord.gg/JzZqPxaRaX


SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube Channel for more content!
CHECK me out on Twitch for LIVE Shiny Hunting!
FOLLOW me on Twitter!
COME join me on my Discord!


Music by ▼
Almighty Arceus ▶ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GMiS...

Pokemon Owned By Nintendo GameFreak.

#RoadTo300 #ShinyHunting #Galarian #GalarianSlowpoke #Pokemon #PokemonSword #PokemonShinyHunting #ShinyPokemon #swordandshield


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