KxWileyDolo: OldSchool RuneScape Ironman Progress
Season 4 Episode 3: "The Ring of Much Less Suffering"
After 1,518 KC - we finally get #2...
Welcome back to Season 4 of the Ironman Progress Series!
Another full slayer task of 200 Sire incoming... major Déjà vu! However, slayer is very kind to us this time around! We finally get a much deserved drop that changes everything. Lotta gains being made!
Like the video for some new PvM coming soon!
As always, please enjoy, share with your clan, and subscribe for more Season 4 content!
If you ever want to spoil the videos for yourself, you can catch me live here:
Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/kxwiley ;)
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/kxwiley
Discord: https://discord.gg/5ECrkdj
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/k.x.wiley
All music tracks in this video are original songs written, produced, & arranged by KxWiley.
This video uses the following sounds of which I am not the author:
"Cash Register” by kiddpark on freesound.org (https://freesound.org/people/kiddpark/sounds/201159/)
#osrs #oldschoolrunescape #runescape #ironman