This is the End

This is the End

WE'RE OVER THIS 😌 Save 25% on your first Native Plastic-Free Deodorant Pack - normally $39, you’ll get it for $29! Click here and use our code EANDB #AD

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We're Eamon and Bec, a Canadian couple who previously lived and traveled full-time in our self converted Sprinter Van!! When the pandemic hit in 2020 we made the difficult decision to abandon our van in Africa and fly home to Canada. Now we're here... living at a cabin in the Canadian wilderness! Things are coming to a close after nearly 11 months of cabin renovations... are our cabin renovations FINALLY OVER?!?!

Join us next week for a full cabin tour including before and after shots from our 1 year of DIY renovations!

#cabin #cabinbuild #cabininthewoods

Catch up on our cabin in the woods videos:​​​​

Kitchen Renovations:
Building an Outdoor Kitchen in 72 Hours
Kitchen Renovations Begin at our Cabin
This Kitchen Almost Broke Us

We've always envisioned moving into the woods by the lake and building our dream tiny cabin as a home base for us to come back to in between our international van life travels. We are finally nearing the end of our renovations and cannot wait to give you a full cabin tour very, very soon!

Eamon & Bec Products
β†  handmade chai blends​​​​ β†ž
β†  cookbook & merch​ β†ž

NATIVE DEODORANT REVIEW #NativePartner #Deodorant #AluminumFree

eamon and becemon and becbec and eamon

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