It might be supposed that with the new term about to start, staff at schools, colleges and universities would be thinking about important matters, such as how the closure of educational establishments has had a damaging effect on young people’s learning. Perhaps they are worried about Covid-19? By no means, there are far more important things to think about, such as decarbonising and decolonising. The University and College Union are offering;
Places are still available for you to take part in a Decarbonise and decolonise webinar for London FE members on Monday 13 September at 2pm.
The full aims of the interactive workshop are to:
provide an introductory understanding of climate justice and its connection with decolonising and decarbonising
support participants to identify opportunities to apply decolonising and decarbonising for climate justice to the education sector
encourage participants to develop their own practice to consider climate justice and intersectionality
explore the role of UCU branches and members in mobilising action for decolonising and decarbonising.