#prepping #preparedness #prepper #august11 #emergencybroadcast
Check out this link, pertaining to the last and ONLY previous test of this type, performed on August 7th, 2019... Apparently the test was done so that emergency information could get out, in the case of NATIONWIDE INTERNET OUTAGE:
This may all be for naught, but it's worth trying in my opinion...
On my son's Android phone, which is newer than mine, under "settings", I had to go to "developer options" and then scroll down to "auto update system" and turn it off.
Also went to Text Message Settings (top right, 3 dots), then chose "Emergency Alert History" and at the top right of that page, pushed the 3 dots again to get to "settings" and turned off "allow alerts".
I completely understand that there may be a risk in not having these emergency alerts... I am now counting on you guys to let me know if an asteroid is headed straight to Earth.
Prep for yourself and your family FIRST, but if you feel inclined to support this channel, you can buy me a coffee (or 5 hr energy) here: https://ko-fi.com/sunshinestatesurvival