2.35:1 Aspect Ratio Cheat Sheet

2.35:1 Aspect Ratio Cheat Sheet

Cinemascope 2.35:1 aspect ratio cheat sheet with correct dimensions for most standard video resolutions; including 720p, 1080p, and 4K.

Often referred to as widescreen cinemascope or anamorphic format, the 2.35:1 ratio is one of many wide aspect formats first introduced in 1953 by 20th Century Fox. True “CinemaScope” format was last used in 1967, but the term "scope" is still frequently used by filmmakers and editors to refer to any movie with an aspect ratio of 2.35 to 1 or wider.

The wide field of view makes it a popular choice for achieving the panoramic “cinematic look” associated with big screen feature films.

To convert your video to any widescreen aspect ratio, simply divide the width of your source footage by the desired aspect ratio. The resulting value will give you the required height.

For example, if your original footage was shot in 4K UHD... dividing 3840 by 2.35 equals 1634. So, your final 2.35:1 resolution should be 3840x1634.

We’ve uploaded this test video and cheat sheet to make things a little easier, and to give you an idea how your footage will display in the YouTube player on different devices, or at different sizes and orientations.

You can use these 2.35:1 aspect ratio resolutions for sequence/timeline settings in your preferred video editing software, or when exporting your 2.35:1 videos at various sizes:

8192x3486 (8K)
7680x3268 (8K UHD)
6144x2614 (6K)
5120x2179 (5K)
4096x1743 (4K)
3840x1634 (4K UHD)
3072x1307 (3K)
2880x1226 (3K UHD)
2048x871 (2K)
1920x817 (1080p)
1280x545 (720p)

Note: At the time of publishing this video, 2:35:1 is considered an "unsupported aspect ratio" on YouTube. It displays perfectly well in the video player, but end screens cannot be added (cards, however, can).


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2:1 Aspect Ratio Cheat Sheet

#VideoEditing #CinematicAspectRatio #UnduMedia

2.35:1 aspect ratio cheat sheet2.35:1 aspect ratio cheatsheet2.35.1 aspect ratio cheatsheet

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