Right now Jake Paul is out-earning all starting boxers, most mma fighters and even some veteran boxers. So how is that possible, when other influencers are struggling to make so much from their events?
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Now don’t get me wrong, Floyd Mayweather is still the undeniable champion, when it comes to making money in the ring. He actually holds, all of the top 4 spots in the world’s top 10, biggest paydays in boxing history. However, when he just started out boxing, he was making a lot less than Jake Paul, is making right now.
Mayweather’s first three fights on record, earned him $2,500, $7,500 and $5,000 dollars. After which it took him 5 years and 15 professional fights, to land him his first million dollar contract, worth $1.5 million dollars.
Compare this to Jake Paul, who has already landed a $2 million dollar contract for his fight against Tyrone Woodley, which by the way, does not include the pay per view buys and this was only Jake’s 4th professional fight in just 3 years of boxing.
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Video Structure:
00:00 Intro
00:11 Jake Paul out-earning Floyd Mayweather
00:53 Jake Paul vs Tommy Fury
01:27 How does Jake do it?
02:51 $10 million boxing Meme NFT
03:45 Doing business with Jake Paul is very profitable
04:29 Second 8 figure dollar boxing Payday
05:45 Jake Paul vs Tyrone Woodley earnings
06:30 Jake's total boxing earnings
06:58 His massive promotion engine
08:02 Jake Paul going to fast
11:21 Jake's media strategy
Now of course you could say Mayweather started way earlier then Jake and that back then, the sport was less commercial, so there was less money to be made, to which I say, oke fair enough.
But then, let’s compare Jake’s earnings, to a more modern day start in boxing and let’s look at Tommy Fury for instance. Because this Love Island superstar, is just like Jake, more influencer than boxer, with over 3.6 million followers on instagram and he’s not even close to earning what Jake Paul makes.
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