[MY BEST?] My Part in Echo! (Hosted by Zeptoz + Loltad) | Geometry Dash

[MY BEST?] My Part in Echo! (Hosted by Zeptoz + Loltad) | Geometry Dash

ECHO trailer video (Zeptoz's channel):

This took longer than usual to complete, around 4 days or something I think. I tried to ensure that this part turned out very well, and I think it's my best work to date. If you don't know yet, Echo is supposed to be a factory-styled memory level.

Anyways, this is the first part finished in the level, and I look forward to what the other decoration participants will come up with in their parts. In the meantime, enjoy my part!

(Good) gameplay by @marwec!

Song: Waterflame - Invaders

Thumbnail by Paul333:

geometry dashgdgdps

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