#scalemodels #colormodulation #armorweathering
lets explore one of the most influential armour weathering styles to emerge in recent years.
Probably the antonym style to "realistic" weathering. Color modulation pushes hard contrasts to create visual interest!
In this first video -- we walk through the steps that I first saw in the Adam Wilder produced by Mig Jimenez DVD ... FAQ "The Modulation Style"
So is this highly contrasting style still relevant today? Do you like it or loathe it?
If you are interested in exploring the technique check the links to Adam Wilders channel :
0:00 Introduction
0:22 Zeninthal lighting on a real AFV
3:01 Introduction to Color Modulation Technique
6:08 Airbrushing on the modulation gradients
9:38 Recap airbrushing
10:52 Acrylics brush painted on details
11:51 Painting on the acrylics
13:42 Recap and result of painting the extruded details
15:01 Paint the typical details in "normal" colours
16:34 Introduction to Oil Dot Filter technique
18:18 Applying the ODF
21:36 Applying neat oil paint adjusting contrast
24:02 Recap on the oil paints and discussion