The Meat Industry Is Funding Deceptive Beef Advertisements

The Meat Industry Is Funding Deceptive Beef Advertisements

The Physicians Committee is petitioning the Federal Trade Commission, which regulates advertising, to stop the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association from placing deceptive “Beefing Up Sustainability” advertisements that downplay the beef industry’s impact on the climate crisis. The advertisement has appeared in The Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post.

NCBA is a trade association that “works to advance the economic, political and social interests of the U.S. cattle business.” It receives money from the Beef Checkoff, which is overseen by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and is designed to stimulate beef sales and consumption.

The advertisement incorrectly states, “Beef’s environmental footprint may drive headlines, but the truth is, eliminating beef is not a realistic or impactful solution for climate change.”

But the FTC petition cites research from the World Health Organization that says, “Reducing livestock herds would also reduce emissions of methane, which is the second-largest contributor to global warming after carbon dioxide.”

“NCBA’s advertisement is contrary to abundant scientific evidence and deceptive on its face,” says the petition. “The Physicians Committee therefore requests that FTC permanently prohibit NCBA from disseminating, or causing the dissemination of, any advertisement claiming that beef is an environmentally sustainable food.”

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