Women Tormented By Demons & Family Curses
Two women with a troubled past, mostly due to inherited curses and mistreatment as a child. They are both bright, capable, and caring. Most important they are
Christians. But both are bound by demons Bob Larson has faced before. Will this be their moment of final freedom?
0:00 - Intro
12:21 - Meet April
26:38 - April Deliverance
48:52 - Meeta Jamie
1:13:05 - Conclusion
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💟 Can I get a demon from listening to DARK music? https://youtu.be/gd4dycT0bz0
💟 The Real Exorcist Chronicles Ep 1, Military Vet with PTSD & DEMONS https://youtu.be/stR8DmGXslY
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© 2021 Bob Larson
#BobLarson #therealexorcist #Womentormentedbydemons #familycurses