This is a timelapse 3D modeling video to show how to make Blender Jewelry Diamond Ring with reference image plane. To follow the last video about add reference plane into workspace. In the tutorial, it shows the basic 3D modeling techniques for building Blender Jewelry 3D ring model, including Ring Band, Ring Bezel Head, and Diamond (Gemstone) in low polygon. Finally it will be the fine adjustment after adding subdivision into 3D ring model.
Please turn on Subtitles for more description. Hope this helps.
0:00 Intro
0:15 Start with reference image for 3D modeling
0:26 Build the Band of Ring 3D model
2:56 Build the Bezel Head of Ring 3D model
6:56 Build the Diamond 3D model , low polygon ready
11:48 Adjustment after adding Subdivision
14:04 Final Diamond Ring
Please watch this video to understand how to setup reference image for 3D modeling, https://youtu.be/s9IWzbenp9k
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Music: «Inspire» from Bensound.com