Enjoyed the Durga Puja Vacation!

Enjoyed the Durga Puja Vacation!

#puja #funinvillage #villagehouse

In the puja vacation we went to our village house, where my in-laws are staying now, we enjoyed it a lot! feel fresh due to pure and clean air and trees and surroundings! Lovely sisters and brothers! we are actually feeling fresh now!

Seven health benefits of taking a vacation
Improved physical health. ...
Improved mental health. ...
Greater well-being. ...
Increased mental motivation. ...
Improved family relationships.

Why is a vacation important?
Image result for importance of vacation
Vacations relieve stress – One of the main reasons why vacations are important is the fact that they significantly ease stress. ... Vacations increase productivity – Proven data shows that vacations increase productivity. Happy, stressless, and energetic employees almost always produce a better product.

Why are vacations important for mental health?

Studies find chronic stress can affect the part of the brain that inhibits goal-directed activities and causes problems with memory. Continuous work with no breaks or vacation time can make people feel blocked and distracted, and have problems concentrating.

Is vacation a necessity?
Vacations are not a luxury; they are a necessity for a well-balanced, healthy life – as important as eating well and getting exercise. Here are 10 reasons to make them a priority in your life! Vacations Relieve Stress---Stress is a true physiological response originally meant to help us and keep us safe.

What does it mean to take a vacation?
To stop working for some period of time and spend that time for one's leisure or pleasure, especially at some other place.

How vacation affect your happiness?
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The researchers found that those planning a vacation were HAPPIER than the ones not going away. They concluded that in the weeks PRIOR to the vacations, moods vastly improved. Some noticed a boost in happiness as early as 8 weeks before the start of their time off.

Source: google

durga puja celebrationdurga pujadurga puja 2021

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