😂 Funny Dirty Joke - Adam wants to make love in heaven
In this video you will hear a dirty but funny joke for adults that will make you laugh out loud.
We all love a good laugh, no matter the occasion. As we get old, we start to find the “clean jokes” less funny as we begin to take on a much more adult humor therefore, we begin to prefer funny adult jokes.
We’re not saying you should drop the bad jokes, because you can find them absolutely hilarious as well. But as you get older, the dirty adult jokes may be the more appropriate and enjoyable option.
Is there anything funnier than some dirty jokes that get you laughing when you shouldn’t? I don’t think so, and that’s why I've prepared this hilarious joke that will have you struggling to keep a straight face.
So entertain yourself at this funny dirty joke for adults.
#dirtyjokes #humor #laugh #funny