Improving Upon vs Disappearing Worlds
Consequences of Eliminating 3rd Law + Gravity
F^1=-F^2 over time would imply superposition.
The imperative is there is no general relativity.
Anthropics/Terror Management Theory
Anthropics create our psychology (kill or be killed)
Science cannot figure out general relativity because ontology is not practical in the physical universe
If 1 thing is observed 2 things can be happening but for a 3rd mechanic to be happening in that moment as well may be absurd
Unification theory proves nuclear physics?
Shrodinger equation
Quantum mechanics seems to be enforced
Is free energy really corrupt physics?
Physics can be geometrically illustrated or precisely calculated. There shouldn’t have to be a difference if they logically exist at different rates. As if the population has dwindled down to 10 already or we are ready to take the morphine hit, and nothing else matters but death. Talk to me after you have a near death experience. Western diseases can be looked at as diseases of luxury or even statistics. Third world countries still celebrating religious passing of souls. Incredulous.
Physics is a science, not a story like religion. The social commentary is overdone. Whether the particles are protons and electrons or the wave particle duality is present before the morphine hit on the death bed won’t make a difference. We’re animals at best. We’re theorizing. Again, if the physical disassociation exists geometrically or calculated is the same liner direction.
The special relativity can be the news of the collective universe at present. General relativity cannot be proven by quantum mechanics because there is no God’s eye view to look through to view the physical universe. What’s happening in the world is special relativity and what’s happening in universe in relation to our position in it is general relativity. I would say so measuring the speed of light is obviously not too sensical unless considering empty matter and what it theoretically could mean. You’re observing the problem and giving it an abstract meaning, you’re not changing it indefinitely, so to speak. You’re only human. It’s 1+1=2, not 2+2=5 to juxtapose 1984.
Anthropics needing to disappear is an ignorance of psychology. We all are fighting to survive, through the blood of our ancestors at the very least. Another reason it can’t be God of the Gaps because even if it’s kinetic energy instead of force the KE calculates the position of the particle while the force exchanges equally. Our psychologies work like KE theory, because we have to label things we can’t explain. Mentally I don’t have a problem with that. I would have gripes with proposing psychology is god of the gaps. Any notion towards the term for that matter when it comes to physics for lack of a better forgoing.