Naveen looked me in the eye, tear's in her eye's, then in a low voice and said
Alan ''What about justice for us ? ''
We rescued her from ISIS, she was held as a ISIS slave for over 5 year's,sold, abused by western males/females.
From fighting against ISIS on the battlefield as a volunteer Peshmerga in Kurdistan (northern Iraq) to the camera as the weapon interviewing western ISIS held in AL HOL (NE Syria) holding 65,000 ISIS family's including 11,000 western ISIS family's.
Classed as the worlds most dangerous camp Alan spent weeks going into the western section with only his fixer Barzan, NO Weapon, NO guards only the camera.as Isis were burning killing each other in the camp.
"I married Shamima begum" has been kept as 1 piece, Her husband Yago give's a excellent insight into life as a western ISIS member , the thinking of a Convert.
Alan had access to AL HOL, Camp ROJ and the prisons interviewing western ISIS females, Males their children.
No reruns No Directors/producers trying to feed you their agenda just the raw hard facts as it happened..
Why did they leave their country's to help ISIS create a caliphate? Do they have any empathy, sympathy for the victims of ISIS? Do they accept any responsibility? Why do they want back to their countries? Would they want back if the ISIS caliphate still existed? Are the children victims of their parents/ISIS are they the future of ISIS? What was the western ISIS female involvement in the slavery of the yazidi women/children?
You are going to be shocked at the western ISIS attitude, involvement of the slavery of the Yazidi women/children
Filmed over 2 years, exclusive access to the western section of AL Hol, exclusive interview's. The is
Trailer takes you through what's to come in the series
It will be in 4 parts
in the last of the ISIS caliphate the start start of the next caliphate
Alan's 1st every documentary,1st time editing.