Know your worth. Your worth can never be of question, since you are one spark of light in the eternal fire that is all creation. What is the worth of the infinite Creator?
If you look in the mirror and see a mess, simply notice that you see a mess and keep looking. Allow that some part of yourself has not yet aligned with the perspective that knows who you are. You might have strayed from yourself, and that is fine. That is what you are here to do. Who are you really? Who is the one who wears the face that looks like a mess?
Who is the one who is looking through those eyes? You are practicing finding your way back to knowing that you are - an infinite being of light. You are practicing the remembrance of love. Train yourself to perceive the infinite, and this teaching will sink deeply into your being, and liberate you to your highest glory. Love to all.
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/rohitsahoo/
#knowyourworth #knowyourvaluemotivation #motivationalspeech
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