Playing Z Gaming and Zeff Playz New Game "Hold My Egg😂" | ThreeD
In this video i try out the new game "Hold My Egg" by Z Gaming and Zeff Playz .
I have also challenged Z Gaming for Minecraft Mlg Without Brother so check that video too
Challange Video - https://youtu.be/8IZSFYTnEyA
Hello Guys,I am ThreeD
I Make Funny Gaming Content Without Using Abusive Language and So My Videos Can Be Seen By Kids Too Who Understand Hindi.
I'm 18,with a dream to beat t-series in sub count !!
I don't know what to write in here but i can assure you that my content will be worth your subscription.
Three D actually is not anything related to 3D [ 3 dimensional ] but its just that every starting alphabet of my Full Name starts with the letter 'D'
Eg: D___ D___ D___
I play games♥️
Do other shiiii too.....
Yaha Aajao - https://www.instagram.com/danieldenisdsouza/
This video is just a joke and for entertainment,so please gussa mat hojana😶