☠ Album:Shattered (EP)
☠ Released:October 15, 2021
☠ Links Related to The Band:
➤ Digital Album:https://redmeansnomercy.bandcamp.com/album/shattered
➤ Bandcamp:https://redmeansnomercy.bandcamp.com
➤ Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/redmeansnomercy/
➤ Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/redmeansnomercy/
➤ Spotify:https://open.spotify.com/album/5XdQIjALQze7vDxQY3r3SU
➤ Youtube Channel:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpxO6XV6njOC3z4uLwS7QXA
➤ Metal-Archives:https://www.metal-archives.com/bands/Red_Means_No_Mercy/3540480683
☠ Label:Realityfade Records
➤ Website:https://www.realityfade.com/
➤ Digital Album:https://realityfade.bandcamp.com/album/shattered
➤ Bandcamp:https://realityfade.bandcamp.com/
➤ Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/realityfade
➤ Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/realityfadeco/
➤ Twitter:https://twitter.com/realityfadeco
➤ Youtube Channel:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQekThi9WHp7v48r5iym60g
☠ Lyrics:
Now I see the tragedy I bring: death I'm the vessel for revenge Unbound I bring death Demonstration of my strength Catastrophy Now I see the tragedy I bring: death I maim those who fucking dare to come close I fucking dare you Why do you stand between my tragedies I sought to fuck up my enemies Every opponent I had I have lacerated but my hatred cannot be desintegrated My hatred won't go away It's always the same Every opponent I had I have lacerated but my hatred cannot be desintegrated When there's no one to fight, the only one who remains is me Corpses lay behind me in my path I wish they'd decay, but they stay Just won't go away The path I've taken I bring devestation This tragedy is my creation I cannot die in peace I will leave this world in a worthy way Jousting in opponents flesh If I'm taken with, who gives a shit If I die here, I'm taking you with me
☠ Credits:
Mixed and mastered by Red Means No Mercy.
Artwork by Rocío Irene.
Released by Realityfade.
☠ [Country:Germany] - [Year:2021] - [Genre:Brutal Deathcore]
☠ ExtremeundergrounD SongS PremierE:
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☠Contact: zoltan.luliak@gmail.com
➤ https://www.facebook.com/luliakzoltan
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☠ "All rights reserved go to the band & label, I do not own any rights on the audio & images in this video."☠