Types of stitch class use in garments industries,
The six classes of stitches as given in Federal Standard 751a are:
• Class 100 chain stitches
• Class 200 stitches originating as hand stitches
• Class 300 lock stitches
• Class 400 multi thread chain stitches
• Class 500 over edge stitches, and
• Class 600 covering chain stitches
Class 100 Chain Stitches
The Chain Stitch class 100 includes stitch types 101, 102, 103, 104 and 105. It is formed with one or more needle threads that form a loop on the underside of the fabric
Stitch Class 101
Type 101 is one of the simplest of all stitch types, formed from a single thread. It can be easily removed, and it is used for basting operations in tailored menswear and women’s wear
Class 200 Stitches
Class 200 Stitches consists of hand formation of stitches done by hand with the exception of 205, which simulates a hand running stitch, but is formed by a special machine
Class 300 Lock Stitches
The Lock Stitch Class 300 is the most commonly used and is easiest to understand. A Lock stitch machine requires 2 threads to form a stitch, a needle thread that feeds from the top and a lower thread that feeds from a bobbin
Stitch Type 301
The 301 is referred to as a plain stitch or a straight stitch. It is the stitch type performed by the standard home sewing machine
Stitch Type 304
Type 304 is the traditional zigzag stitch that is used to sew appliques, attach lace on lingerie, and produce faggotting
Class 400 Multi-Thread Chain Stitches
The 400 class is the second most frequently used stitch type
Types of Class 400 Chain Stitches
The most common stitch types in this class Stitch are:
The 401 or two thread chain stitch
Stitch type 402 or cording stitch
Stitch type 404, 406 & 407
The 401 or Two Thread Chain Stitch
It is also called double locked chain stitch. Its appearance is the same as the 101 stitch with a flat straight thread formation similar to a lock stitch on the face of the fabric and a loop on the underside
Stitch Type 402 or Cording Stitch
Stitch Type 402 or Cording Stitch is used primarily for stitching permanent creases
Stitch Type 404 stitch is similar in appearance to a 304 stitch, in the sense, that it is also a zigzag stitch, except the difference that it is formed as a chain stitch and contains loops on one side
Stitch Type 406 are known as bottom cover stitches. They are used to cover seam or unfinished edges on the inside of garments and to keep them flat
Stitch type 407 is very much similar to 406 stitch except that it uses three needle threads and has even more stretch
Class 500 over Edge Stitches
The stitch types in this class are formed with one or more groups of threads. These are characterized by loops from at least one group of threads passing around the edge of the material.
The odd numbered stitch types 501, 503, 505 and 521 are known as “break open” stitches
Edge Stitches
Types 503, 504 and 505 stitch are overedge stitch types that are used for serging
Type 502
Stitch type 202 are formed by two threads, a needle and looper thread. It is a tight stitch that is used primarily for seaming the outer edge of bags
Type 503 is also formed by two threads, a needle and looper thread. It is used for blind hemming and serging
Type 504 & 505
Stitch type 504 and 505 are three thread overedge stitches that are formed with one needle thread and two looper threads
Mock Safety Stitches
Stitch types 512 and 514 are sometimes called mock safety stitches
Class 600 Covering Chain Stitches
The cover stitch or 600 class stitch, often called a flat lock or a flat seam stitch
Type 602
Cover stitch 602 is a very strong and elastic stitch used extensively by manufacturers of knit garments to cover raw edges and prevent raveling
Class 602 is a 4-thread stitch with 2 needle threads, 1 looper thread, and 1 top covering thread
Type 605
Cover stitch 605 is also a very strong and elastic stitch used extensively by manufacturers of knit garments to cover raw edges and prevent raveling
Type 607
The flat seaming stitch, 607, trims and seams simultaneously. It is a 9-thread stitch with 4 needle threads, 4 looper threads, and 1 top covering thread
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