Who would be the best-suited match (rishta) for marriage for our daughter or sister?
Our society has certain predefined notions, which defines their idea of a suitable boy. Since the list is endless, let's name the most dominant traits as follows:
- Income, education, profession, good looks (a plus point).
- Family background, including caste, community, respectability etc.
- Strong character (determined on the basis of no smoking, no drinking, no drugs, no girlfriends, no criminal history etc.
- Assets such as house, land, cars, social life, club memberships, foreign nationality (it's a big plus).
- No past engagement and especially no previous marriage.
- Clearance check from workplace, family and friends.
Those who are living in this society must evaluate all proposals based on these above standards. Unfortunately, sometimes it's just not enough to guarantee the future happiness of your girl. Certain traits mentioned in this list are really not needed for a happy marriage. Similarly, certain important attributes such as mental health, behavior traits, vision, liberal-mindedness, humbleness, compassion, ability to adapt to change, etc have entirely been ignored.
Maybe these wrong social standards for matchmaking are one of the reasons for unhappy marriages or divorces. In this video I have discussed all these attributes in detail. Please watch!
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