Note: Ross Rosenberg, M.Ed, CADC updated the terms "codependency" and "codependent." with "self-love deficit disorder/SLDD" and "self-love deficient/SLD." The updated terms more accurately reflect the actual condition.
Codependency Anorexia is a logical solution for people with Self-Love Deficit Disorder™ (SLDD), otherwise known as “codependency,” who are hopelessly addicted and attracted to harmful Pathological Narcissists. As a last-ditch protective strategy, the desperate Self-Love Deficient/SLD (codependent) shuts down their innate and natural impulse to fall in love, thereby rendering them safe, but disassociated relational robots.
It is paradoxical in a sense, as it occurs during a moment of clarity when the only obvious choice is to freeze one’s natural “love impulse,” which has, up until this time, consistently blown up in their face. Although intimacy starvation provides a sense of power and control over real and invisible threats, it adds another of many layers of shame & loneliness to their SLDD.
If the codependency anorexic barrier is challenged, an alarm of extreme anxiety is sounded, which does not stop until the threat has been neutralized. At the end of the day, the codependent anorexic is safe from harm, but the cost is extraordinarily high! Safety, without the experience of self-love and the healthy love of others, is no different from being jailed for a crime that was never committed.
"Although their intention is to avoid getting pummeled again by the next narcissist, they unknowingly insulate themselves from the very human experience of intimate romantic love." - Taken from Ross Rosenberg’s Article "CODEPENDENCY ANNOREXIA—ARE YOU STARVING YOURSELF FROM LOVE?" Available on his SLRI Blog at bit.do/codependencyanorexia.
Ross is a globally renowned psychotherapist, educator, and expert witness, who is known for breakthrough contributions in the field of mental health, addictions, and especially, codependency (Self-Love Deficit Disorder™), Pathological Narcissism, Narcissistic Abuse, and Trauma Treatment. He is a keynote speaker, educator, and professional trainer who has crossed the globe giving his one-of-a-kind presentations. Ross has been regularly featured on national TV and radio.
Ross's "Human Magnet Syndrome” books have sold over 130,000 copies and are published in ten languages. His YouTube channel has amassed 20 million video views and 225K subscribers.
Ross is the CEO and primary contributor of The Self-Love Recovery Institute (SLRI), where his educational, inspirational work can be found. www.SelfLoveRecovery.com. For more information or for questions about SLRI and Ross, contact us help@SelfLoveRecovery.com
Find Ross on Facebook (facebook.com/TheCodependencyCure ) Instagram (rossrosenberg_slri) and Twitter (RossRosenberg1).
#RossRosenberg #SelfLoveRecovery #Codependency #Codependent #LoveDissociation #Romancestarvation from #CodependencyAnorexia #CodependencyRecovery #SLD #SLDD #NarcissisticAbuse #Narcissism #Narcissists #Narcissist #SelfLove #Selfloverecovery #Therapy #MentalHealth #EmotionalAbuse #Humanmagnetsyndrome #Codependencycure #traumarecovery