Congressman Says Marjorie Taylor Greene Isn't Pretending She's Legitimately Nuts!

Congressman Says Marjorie Taylor Greene Isn't Pretending   She's Legitimately Nuts!

Democratic Congressman Adam Schiff had some harsh but fair words for his Republican colleague Marjorie Taylor Greene, saying that she isn't "playing politics" with her personality, and that she is "legitimately nuts." This is a distinction that absolutely needs to be made, as there are plenty of Republicans who play the fool in the media but do it on purpose to win votes. Greene isn't pretending, and that's the scariest part, as Farron Cousins explains.

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Democratic representative. Adam Schiff recently appeared on the daily beast, a podcast where he took a pretty serious shot, but fair shot against Republican representative, Marjorie Taylor green. And of course, what the Republican party of today has become. Here's what shifts said. Today's GOP, it's become a Colt. A man runs for president on a platform of building a wall that he says Mexico is going to pay for. It's an absurd idea to begin with. He becomes president. Of course, he, he doesn't build a wall because Mexico is not going to pay for him. And then his buddies, including Mr. Bannon raise money from his own supporters to prepare tiddly, build a wall, steal it. And then he pardons them for stealing from his own people. It's the most consummate den of thieves and Grifters imaginable. Okay. Pretty good shot at the Republican party, all accurate, all accurate.

Here's what he says about Marjorie Taylor green. I think the Marjorie Taylor greens are legitimately nuts, but most of the Republican conference that's pushing the big lie understands. It's a big lie. They're not stupid. They know exactly what they're doing. And then it's just a crave and capitulation to Donald Trump because they fear a primary because they want to advance within the party. Therein lies the problem. He's right. And, and I've said this before, too. I do legitimately think Marjorie Taylor green is nuts. I think there is absolutely something wrong with her. And we have seen this even in the videos we've talked about since, before she was even elected, showing up the Capitol harassing representative, Alexandria, Ocasio, Cortez through the mail slot on her door. This is a deranged individual in my opinion. And she's not pretending she is absolutely not pretending plenty of them are.

And that is the distinction that needs to be made. And that's what makes some people more dangerous than others. And that's why I do believe Marjorie Taylor green, Lauren Bovert, these individuals are legitimately dangerous because as shift puts it, they're legitimately nuts, but then you have the other people who only pretend to be stupid, who only pretend to be crazy. And honestly, I think Matt gates falls into that category. Ted Cruz definitely falls into that category, Louie Gohmert now he's over with Marjorie Taylor green and the reason we have to make those distinctions. And the reason that is important is because you do have to separate the fakers from the nuts, because the fakers you might be able to get through to them, you might be able to work with them in the future. They might be able to snap out of it. If they see the direction of the party going a different way, those are people who still have a grasp on reality, but pretends not to, in order to pander to their voters. Now I'm not saying they can be saved or they can helped, or

They can be rational at times. I'm saying that there's a possibility that that could happen, but of course not, if they continue to Gaslight their own voters and make them crazy, then they have to keep up with that level of crazy. And before, you know, it, maybe they turn into a bunch of Marjorie Taylor greens as well. But the legitimately crazy people are the ones who are the biggest threat right now. They're the ones who are unpredictable. They're the ones who are actually out there, not just gaslighting people, because they believe it themselves. They're outright encouraging them to be just as crazy, just as nuts. And those are the ones, unfortunately, pulling that party further into that crazy zone, the Twilight zone, really of political parties. And that's what we're dealing with today. So again, I agree with Adam Schiff. I do not think that Marjorie Taylor green is pretending. I believe there are a lot of pretenders out there who are probably already too far gone anyway, but Adam Schiff again is correct. And Marjorie Taylor green is most likely legitimately nuts.

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