A non- fatal accident at Wipro Junction in Gachibowli PS limits.
Fortunately, pillion rider survived with simple injuries.
Motor Vehicles Driving Regulations 2017
Regulation 9
Precautions to be taken at intersections.-
(1) The vehicle shall invariably slow down when approaching a road intersection, a road junction, a pedestrian crossing or a road corner, and shall not enter any such intersection, junction or crossing if it is likely to endanger the safety of other road users moving onto, or already on, such intersection, road junction, pedestrian crossing or road corner.
(2) At intersections and junctions, vehicles approaching from the right side shall have the right of way:
Provided that this sub-regulation shall not apply,-
(a) when the junction or intersection is being regulated by manual signals by anauthorised person, traffic lights or mandatory traffic signs; or
(b) when the vehicle is exiting a minor road and entering a major road.
(3) A motor vehicle shall not enter an intersection if the traffic on the intersection has come to a standstill even if it is on the main road or has a signal to proceed.
Regulation 8:
Taking a right turn,-
(a) the driver who wishes to turn right shall clearly and in good time indicate his intention to turn right by using either the direction indicator or by giving a hand signal;
(b) before turning right, the driver shall in good time move to the right most lane;
(c) while driving on a multi-lane road, where direction arrows pointing to the right are marked on the road, the driver shall remain in that lane while taking right turn;
(d) before moving into the right lane, the driver shall keep in mind the traffic on his right and behind him, and change the lane only after giving a right-turn signal;
(e) at uncontrolled pedestrian crossings, the driver shall give way to pedestrians.
Cyberabad Traffic Police
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