Gorgeous Toes color and Beautiful High Heels Ideas Part 139

Gorgeous Toes color and Beautiful High Heels Ideas Part 139

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Great welcome on sarokar ngo channel. Thank you for reading this video and great thank you for your comments and your appreciation the series. Welcome friends to watch this video latest and Gorgeous Toes color and Beautiful High Heels Ideas.
Friends today I have take a question from one of my friend.
A friend of mine replied this question. The Question is.
How do I care for cracked heels? .

Friends cracked heels gives a lot of pan Cracked heels is the main problem specially women in under developing countries but it is rare in developed countries because they take special care for their heels. There are many treatment of cracked heels and you have care heels naturally with home remedies. The best way to rid of cracked heals is soak your feet for a while to soften the skin, with a pumice stone gently rub the pumice stone in circular motion removing the dead skin. Let your foot soak again while starting the next one. If after the second soak and the required results aren't achieved, repeat again. Apply a good moisturizer afterwards. Do not scrub your skin vigorously, you will damage and break the skin.
The natural Vaseline Jelly can be used as an effective overnight cosmetic treatment for dry heels, cracked feet and heels as it helps create a sealing barrier, locking in the essential moisture your feet need to repair themselves
Vinegar is a natural source for your heels problem, while typically used as a cooking ingredient, is very useful in remedying dry and cracked heels. Add one part of white vinegar, when mixed with two parts of warm water, can be used as a soak for the cracked heels. This remedy treat the holes of your heels. A pumice stone can be used to scrub the dead skin after soaking for 15-20 minutes.
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