I didnt just grow up with horses I wanted to be one | Calming Tunetronic Relax Music
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tunetronic is a social enterprise and registered charity that inspires, supports and connects people with music. We offer courses in singing, songwriting, guitar and piano as well as drop-in sessions for adults and children to play instruments or sing together. We provide opportunities for both beginners and those more experienced to develop their skills through an inclusive environment where there are no barriers to participation. tunetronic also provides outreach services such as workshops with professionals from the music industry who share their expertise on specific topics of interest such as live performance techniques or how to find work in the music industry.
0:00 I could not rid me of a dread that one
2:52 Howbeit that night I took no note
5:32 I know it is a sin
8:16 I fling my pebble on the cairn
11:14 I dream of hills of other days whose sides I loved to
14:00 I doubt if you shall take the crown
16:38 How rulest thou from the undiscovered bourne
19:30 I hear along our street
22:12 I feel your brightness before understanding that
24:59 I hasten and beguile
27:55 I found I could not forget on the morrow
30:40 I carried on the siege with fire and vigour
33:37 Hyacinth and Ranunculus roots
36:32 I cannot say I have a thirsting deep
39:07 I heard my Achates complain
41:58 Howbeit that night I took no note
44:37 How small the enclosure is wherein there lives
47:16 How happie was I when I saw her leade
50:02 I bear the stretcher and I bend
52:52 humanists of a century or two later were to make the world
55:37 I cannot tell the art
58:17 I keep my dust of roses fresh and dear
1:01:08 How often she went with Reuben Brown
1:04:06 I am now going to the wooded lands out in the country to see my
1:06:59 I see her small hand taking it
1:09:51 I am not only obliged myself for the best part of my own
1:12:46 I held the trunk with both my hands
1:15:38 How sweet the answer Echo makes
1:18:36 Hymn before Sunrise in the
1:21:36 I am all alive
1:24:30 Hymn before Sunrise in the
1:27:29 How opposite a way my buried flesh
1:30:22 How those occasions of Xantippish strife
1:33:05 I know his face is hid
1:36:05 I am sad in the spring
1:38:58 I know it is a sin
1:41:42 I call for two bold combatants expert
1:44:26 I know my life is wasted and consumed
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