M-Sport Ford Fiesta WRC Car Setup Explained

M-Sport Ford Fiesta WRC Car Setup Explained

Ever wondered what drivers mean by 'changing the setup'? πŸ€” Gus Greensmith πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ and his engineer, Jamie McMillan, explain the various changes we make to the Fiesta WRC on events. Talking through ride height, dampers, springs, compression, bump and rebound. They also explains the various parts of the car that crews can adjust on road sections between stages on WRC events as well as the bigger changes they can make when the car returns to the service park. Jamie also shows some examples of some basic tools that the driver and co driver use to make setup changes away from the service park such as a C-spanner and damper tool.

#MSPORTERS #WRC #FordPerformance


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