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Republican Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene finally admitted that she is not now, nor will she ever be, vaccinated against COVID-19 during an insane meltdown on Steve Bannon's show this week. This is the first time that Greene has come clean about her vaccination status after refusing to give an answer for months. In addition to the admission, she also lashed out at Democrats, calling them "vaccine Nazis" and "marxists," clearly not understanding what either of those words means. Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins discusses this.
Link - https://www.rawstory.com/marjorie-taylor-greene-not-vaccinated/
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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.
Marjorie Taylor Greene finally admitted this week during an appearance on Steve Bannon's podcast, that she is not in fact vaccinated. This came months and months after Marjorie Taylor Greene had been telling us that she's not going to tell us if she was vaccinated. It's an alleged violation of her HIPAA rights. But finally, this week, she got off enough to where she just said, screw it. I'm not vaccinated. I'm not getting the vax. So here she is explaining why that's never going to happen.
I'm not vaccinated. I'm not vaccinated and I'm not getting the vaccine because I'm an American. I can choose what I want to do with my body. I have the freedom to decide if I want to get a vaccine or not get a vaccine and I don't care who tells me to get one, I will not get one unless I choose that I want to.
So obviously this doesn't make a whole heck of a lot of sense, other than the fact that obviously Marjorie Taylor Greene is trying to pander to some of the dumbest individuals in her party, which sure, if she wants to do that, fine. But then what you saw in that clip there was not all that she said. It was after that, after that little rant that she truly went crazy saying this. They're ruining our country, these vaccine Nazis. And I'm sorry, I know I'm using the word Nazi and everybody gets mad when I say it, but that's exactly what they are. They're vaccine Nazis. They have called us fascists and have called us Nazis for five years now and I'm fed up with it. They're the Nazis. They're the fascists. They're the communists. They're the Marxists. They're just every word that you've ever heard was bad, right, Marjorie? Because I guarantee you, you could not describe any of the characteristics of any of those labels that you just so callously threw out there to attack the Democrats.
But that's what you do. You throw out these words, you have no idea what they mean, but it resonates well with your low information base. But the fact that she is not vaccinated really doesn't come as very much of a surprise. Again, she wants to pander to the low information voters within her party. She wants to act like she's big and tough and standing up against the system that's telling her to do something and by God, she ain't going to do it. And we've seen far too many people in this country make that same stupid decision and plenty of them have gone back and said, I wish I could do it, but they've said that right before they've died from COVID. And sure numbers are dropping around the country, that's wonderful, but they're dropping because more and more people are getting vaccinated. The other part of the problem here is that Marjorie Taylor Greene repeatedly refuses to wear a mask on the floor of Congress, which in the past it was just annoying, but that we know she's not vaccinated, it is downright dangerous.
So my solution to this would be for Congress to institute a vaccine mandate, see what happens then. If any members refuse to get vaccinated, don't let them in the chamber. You have to, you know, legislate from home, I guess, except that you're not going to be allowed to vote. Essentially making them useless members of Congress.