Confusion in Inclusion?
How do we as parents ensure that our child’s individual needs and differences are
What happens when you’ve been told that your child needs or differences are not enough or deemed too good to receive, or be considered for support.
How much of an impact can you then make towards their progress or do you need to surrender to that’s just the way it is?
Definitely food for thought.
Hi, I’m Brenda Bekoe, Founder of Apparent Pathway. I support parents raising children with individual differences and needs to stay empowered as they navigate through procedural challenges. As a fellow parent, having experienced similar challenges to that I discuss here on this channel and work with parents that also share and live with these experiences daily.
If you would like to work with me, book a discovery call https://apparentpathwaybookingscheduling.as.me/
Website: http://www.apparentpathway.com
Join me on social media
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/apparentpathway
Twitter: https://twitter.com/apparentpathway
Clubhouse: https://www.joinclubhouse.com/@apparentpathway
Email: info@apparentpathway.com
#schoolinclusion #specialneedseducation #SEND #specialneedsparenting #SEN
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