Shawn Rhoden has tragically passed away due to a cardiac event. In this video I offer my condolences to his family and discuss what precautions bodybuilders and men in general can take. This is my self-protection action plan for all things heart health, and it’s especially important for men on androgens.
Introducing the Anabolic Doc App! Personalized health information for men: http://AnabolicDocApp.com
If you purchase by clicking the links below I may earn a small commission. This is not medical advice and by watching this video and buying these products you do not become my patient.
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The best hair regrowth stimulation kit (shampoo + topical): https://bit.ly/2TY6eXl
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OMRON blood pressure monitor: https://amzn.to/3fA6VO8 and large cuff for arms over 16 inches: https://amzn.to/3fycQD6
For information on my practice and consultations, visit https://www.testosteronology.com
For anabolic recovery consults, visit: https://www.testosteronology.com/anabolic-recovery-medicine
New government guidelines allow me to offer fully remote care to most new TRT and Anabolic Recovery patients. Email or call the office to see if you qualify.
Stay Strong and Healthy,
Dr. O
As the Anabolic Doc, since 2003, I’ve provided men who are using or have used anabolic steroids a confidential, ethical and professional medical venue to discuss their use. I do NOT in any way support the use of any performance enhancing drugs - PEDs, anabolic steroid or other medicine for muscle building or body transformation. The “off-label” use of PEDs, as such agents is considered elicit and may lead to adverse health outcomes. Please consult an expert health professional regarding any medical agent and do NOT use any medicine without the explicit advice and supervision of an appropriate medical expert.
This video is for education and information only. This is not medical advice. Only take medications as prescribed by your doctor. Do not take illegal substances. Taking steroids can lead to serious health consequences.
#ShawnRhoden #Flexatron #MrOlympia #Bodybuilding