The Fastest Way To Get Frozen Spiders! +FREE Great Spook Staff!! (Hypixel Skyblock Tyashoi Guide)
In today's video, I am going to be showing you guys the fastest way to get frozen spiders in Hypixel Skyblock! This will also show you how to get the Great Spook Staff for free! I hope this Hypixel Skyblock Tyashoi quest guide helps you out!
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Last video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4WKUxu_01g4
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0:00 Intro
0:50 What You Need!
2:00 Fastest Way To Get Frozen Spiders
3:30 What The Staff Does (It's cool)
4:25 Begging For Subs
5:05 Outro
🎵 Song: 'Tokyo Music Walker - Way Home' is under a creative commons license.
🎶 Music promoted by BreakingCopyright:
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#Hypixel #Skyblock #HypixelSkyblock