oftentimes we forget the essential things in life, which are a deep commune with oneself and with others.
fear is the thing which prevents this, as fear and indignation are the common currencies of society.
"it is no sign of sickness to be unwell in a sick society".
beneath the welter of acquired personality which is forged by those around us as we grow up there is something called "essence". This is from the stars, and it's what we truly are, not all the concepts and ideas society has forged upon us, which make us believe we are other than we are. This only adds to the disquiet, frustration and unhappiness we usually feel.
A good exercise when one is having difficulties related to an external event is something called "inner separation". I,e, saying "This is not I". not identifying with the external incoming impression.
recommend channels
Magdalene dragoness
light language podcast
Poem_andthe Poetess.
all run by my friend and fellow Poet, Emily. Her Ted Talk is highly recommended
Emily does DNA activation and kundalini arising courses.
she may be contacted at
A big shout of to Melissa, down there in South Carolina. Thank you for your assistance and support.
Thank you all for watching. hope you enjoyed it.
anyone wishing to contribute towards my work and channel may do so at
Best wishes,
Noel 🌹